
Research Study: Predicting Caregiver Retention

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Join this Critical Industry Study

The ability to recruit and retain caregivers are critical challenges for the home care industry. The market for home care is expected to more than double to 30 million American participants over the net 25 years! At the same time the pool of caregivers is declining. This perfect storm has profound implications for home care agencies:

  • 97% of home care agencies report negative impacts due to the shortage of caregivers
  • 85% of home care agencies report that they have turned down cases because they
    couldn't find a caregiver, and 59.7% reported that this happens consistently

  • Annual turnover for caregivers is 64%

Ankota has partnered with Leading Indicator Systems, a Boston-based research firm and developers of the innovative AgileBrain measurement system, to develop a predictive model for caregiver retention. This study could have profound implications for identifying candidates who are likely to stay longer and spotting caregivers who are at risk of leaving.

We are inviting home care agencies to participate in this study and benefit from its findings and any retention prediction tool that may result. Use the form here to request participation in the study.

Join the Study for a chance to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card!**

Participation Benefits:

  • First access to study findings
  • Free use of the resulting retention tool, if any, for 3 months

Study Details:

  • Duration: 3 months
  • Participants: a minimum of 12 of your caregivers
  • Survey: less than 5 minutes
  • Frequency: monthly


Have questions? Contact John Starling at Ankota,

**We're giving away $25 Amazon Gift cards to 25 randomly chosen study participants.

Register for the Study